
Buy a Gift Card (e-gift card)

group cards

Want to shop for someone else and not sure what to get?

Buy and give them the joy of choosing the lamps they like by giving them a gift card from Light Expert, easily and instantly!

How much;

The gift card can have any value from €25 to €500 and there is no additional charge.

How is the electronic gift card sent?

As soon as you complete the order, we send the electronic gift card instantly, by email or sms to the recipient.

What products can the recipient of the gift card buy?

The recipient can choose the appropriate lamp or lamps from our collections. Provided that the total initial value of the products is equal to or greater than the value of the gift card .

How is the gift card redeemed?

Gift cards are sent by e-mail or SMS to your loved ones and contain relevant information on how to redeem them.

All you have to do is simply put the amount you want and it will be sent to your loved ones. So simple and fast!!!

Can I return an eGift Card?

The electronic gift card cannot be returned and you can only use it to purchase products with a value equal to or greater than the amount stated on the Gift Card .

How long can the gift card be used?

From the moment it will be sent and for 8 months.

What if the recipient hasn't received the gift card I sent them?

If for any reason this happens, call our store directly at 2310-859592, so we can check the recipient's shipping information and resolve the issue immediately!